The Museum is open the first and third Sunday of each month (except for holidays) from 1:00-4:00 pm for a Progress Preview.
Entry is free while we continue to work on displays. Come and see a preview of Concord’s history.

Oral History

The Concord Historical Society interviews long-time residents and records these on cassette tapes. These are then transcribed and are printed and filed at the Resource Center.

You may acquire a copy of a tape recording on a tape or CD for $20. You may acquire a print copy of an individual transcription for 50 cents per page (member rate: 25 cents per page). The price of a black and white photocopy of a snapshot accompanying the interview is $5.

There follows a list of completed interviews. We will continue making these interviews, and the list will expand as we accomplish this.

As of 03-20-2017
Concord Historical Society – Oral History – Index of Collection