The Museum is open the first and third Sunday of each month (except for holidays) from 1:00-4:00 pm for a Progress Preview.
Entry is free while we continue to work on displays. Come and see a preview of Concord’s history.

Heritage Trees

Plaza 1884 picket fence img

The City of Concord has a public policy concerning heritage trees. A heritage tree is defined as any tree that is at least 72 inches in circumference when measured 4.5 feet above natural or established grade or a multi-stemmed tree that has one stem at least 24 inches in circumference. A tree must be considered an outstanding specimen or group of its species by virtue of either its location, health, conformation, age, size, or rarity and must be in a location and state of health that indicates a high possibility of survival. Ordinances discussing heritage trees are found in Article 4, Chapter 3, Section 4308 of the City Code.

The heritage tree section was included in the ordinances to provide a uniform method for identifying and maintaining heritage trees and to conserve scenic beauty, prevent erosion, protect against floods, and help maintain the climate of the area. The Planning Commission maintains a record of designated heritage trees. Table below updated 6/12/05.