The Museum is open the first and third Sunday of each month (except for holidays) from 1:00-4:00 pm for a Progress Preview.
Entry is free while we continue to work on displays. Come and see a preview of Concord’s history.

Upcoming Events

Membership Dinner

Concord Museum and Event Center 1926 Clayton Road Dinner catered by Derry Englund Guest Speaker - Carol Jensen, Historian@Byron Hot Springs $55 per person, send checks made out to Concord […]

Find out more
The Concord Museum and Event Center, 1926 Clayton Road CA United States
+ Google Map

Spring Tea Day 1

Galindo Home 1721 Amador Ave. $55 per person 2 settings, 11:00 and 2:00 Reservations can be made starting in March

Find out more
Galindo Home, 1721 Amador Ave
Concord, CA 94520 United States
+ Google Map

Spring Tea Day 2

Galindo Home 1721 Amador Ave. $55 per person 2 settings, 11:00 and 2:00 Reservations can be made starting in March

Find out more
Galindo Home, 1721 Amador Ave
Concord, CA 94520 United States
+ Google Map