The Museum is open the first and third Sunday of each month (except for holidays) from 1:00-4:00 pm for a Progress Preview.
Entry is free while we continue to work on displays. Come and see a preview of Concord’s history.

About Us

About Concord Historical Society

The Concord Historical Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The Society was legally formed as a California non-profit corporation on February 24, 1971. Its Articles of Incorporation were filed with the California Secretary of State on March 30, 1971.

To obtain further information, contact us. 

francisco galindo house 1

Mission Statement

The objects, purposes, and powers of the Concord Historical Society are:

The specific and primary purposes are to discover, establish, and preserve structures, objects, and materials of interest, importance, and value, in relation to the City of Concord, California, and its vicinity, and to discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge of the history of the City of Concord, California, and its vicinity.

The general purposes and powers of the Society shall be:

Geographical Areas of Interest

We are interested in acquiring and preserving data, photos, maps, books, and publications, newspapers, art, and artifacts which concern the people, structures, and any activities and enterprises in the area listed below:

Masonic Hall

Unique Collections



Elworthy Keller

Dean McLeod Research Archives

Sanborne Fire Insurance Maps: Concord (1891-1945); Bay Point (1912 & 1919); Port Chicago (1932)

Dave Brubeck Biographic Data

Port Chicago Explosion: (July 17, 1944): effects, trial, photos, and reports.

Naval Magazine Port Chicago and Naval Weapons Station Concord base newsletters – February 1948 through January 1997 (not inclusive)